Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why are some ppl so negative?

Hi I'm 23 and I live in Atlanta, Ga. I plan on moving out to L.A. to pursue acting sometime this year or next. My parents and a few other relatives are supportive and some others that I may ask for some advice from are negative. I have a degree in Marketing Management to fall back on if things go array. But some people just make me feel bad about even having the dream of wanting to become an actor. They will say things like I will be a another face in the crowd and it would be "foolish" for me to move out their to pursue that. I know what the odds are. I have this philosophy on life, "We only get one life right? Why not spend it trying to achieve something you love? Never know what can happen right?" I don't let what people say bring me down, but at the same time it does make me question myself a bit. Is there anything wrong with me wanting to at least give myself a shot at my dream? Thanks to all who may answer. God bless you all and be blessed and blissful!

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